I recently ran across a thread on Reddit
that asked this question: “Can we all appreciate David Attenborough for
making great documentaries for over than half a century while he is
still with us?”
I'm a fan of David Attenborough. I've
enjoyed his documentaries, and his narration style in particular. The
tone of hushed excitement he can generate over the mating dance of some
bird in southeast Asia is sheer artistry.
But the
question pissed me off, because it's based on a lie. It implies that
Attenborough has seen little or no recognition in his life. This is
bullshit. His life is just chock full of adulation and appreciation.
He's famous and wealthy and successful. He doesn't fucking NEED another
drop of appreciation.
Meanwhile, all over the world
are artists, writers, musicians, scientists and engineers who are doing
original, groundbreaking and creative work who, outside a small coterie
of fans, NOBODY HAD EVER HEARD OF. They've had BUPKIS of appreciation.
people like the OP who created the David Attenborough thread (who
apparently have appreciation to spare) should really do is find one of
those unknown creators and ask for appreciation on their behalf. They
need our recognition. Attenborough needs zip from us.
yes, I'm one of those writers who is totally unknown outside his tiny
little niche of kinky humorous science fiction erotica writers, a niche
so small it should actually be called a “dimple on a golf ball.” But I
have hope, and faith. Someday I'll have far more recognition than I
deserve, and people will actually want to give me more extra
appreciation, even if it means depriving other writers and artists who
are a lot less well known any appreciation at all. But if this never
happens, despite my disappointment I shall remains strong, because what I
really want is lots of money.)
Monday, July 29, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
Feminism's Big Tent
So in my post on the seemingly contradictory relationship between
bondage and feminism, I said that feminism has been good for bondage,
helping create the necessary freedom of choice that makes bondage a fun
game for everybody.
"But," some of you may be thinking, "I hate feminism and feminists. They are always going down on men and calling porn a bad thing and trying to make us feel bad for being sexually attracted to women, or this or that sort of woman. WTF?"
It's a fair question, and the apparent difference between me and those who think like that feminism is bad is a product of a different vision of feminism I think.
Feminism is a big tent. There are hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of women who identify as feminists. Many women identify as feminists for very shallow reasons, just as many people identify as Republicans or Democrats for very shallow reasons. A lot of moms buy their daughters Wonder Woman underoos and cheer on equal pay for equal work and are against rape and more access for day care for working mothers, and that's about the extent of their feminism. This is probably (I don't really know, but it seems a reasonable guess) the majority of self-described feminists.
Somehow, I don't think these are the women whom you were thinking of, when you thought, "I hate feminism and feminists."
The ones you were thinking of, I suspect, were the more extreme feminists, perhaps academics who say things like "All men are rapists" and calling just about everything that happens between a man and a woman rape, and for outlawing porn. Those feminists.
What you need to know is that those feminists constitute a TINY portion of women who think of themselves as feminists, and that they fucking LOVE it when you conflate the two. They love it when people think they speak for all women who consider themselves feminists, even though the Wonder Woman mom feminists might not agree with most of what the extremist feminists have to say.
They love it of course because if the extremist feminists positions are uncritically accepted as the position of feminists as a whole then that amplifies the extreme feminists' voices enormously. They speak for multitudes!
They also love it because when you say, "I hate feminism and feminists" you are punching yourself in the face. You are picking a fight with every woman that thinks of herself as feminist, which means you will almost certainly lose. And you're doing it by opposing people who might find your ideas agreeable, and who might dislike the extreme feminists as much as you do. Congratulations, you're doing just what the extreme feminists want you to do.
Remember, feminism is a big tent. Don't fight the whole tent if you don't have to. I would say, oppose the feminist policy, not feminism. For example, I'm down with equal pay for equal work, opposing rape and sexual harassment, better and more child care for working women, and equal opportunities for women generally (i.e., opposed to the glass ceiling).
But I'm also opposed to letting transgender athletes compete in sports where the layout of their bodies because of the gender they were born with gives them a large advantage over people who are not transgender. I'm against assuming a man is a rapist because he is a man. I think some women can and will make false rape allegations against men, and that this needs to be taken into account when a woman accuses a man of rape or sexual harassment. But I also think that many claims of rape and sexual harassment do have something real to them, and should be investigated thoroughly. Some guys have gotten away with too much shit in real life for too long. Jeffrey Epstein is not alone.
These are nuanced positions, not easily encapsulated by "I hate feminism" or "I am a feminist." But they're mostly me trying to go with evidence and scientific proof, and trying to be fair.
But overall, I'm very comfortable saying that I am a feminist, and generally sympathetic to feminism, even though I know that SOME women who describe themselves as feminists and have leadership positions within the feminist movements would despise me just for having a sexual kink for maledom/femsub. It's a big tent, I feel comfy here.
As for those extreme feminists, I will go with trying to minimize them and discredit their ideas, where appropriate. I'm far from the only self-described feminist who doesn't care for them.
"But," some of you may be thinking, "I hate feminism and feminists. They are always going down on men and calling porn a bad thing and trying to make us feel bad for being sexually attracted to women, or this or that sort of woman. WTF?"
It's a fair question, and the apparent difference between me and those who think like that feminism is bad is a product of a different vision of feminism I think.
Feminism is a big tent. There are hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of women who identify as feminists. Many women identify as feminists for very shallow reasons, just as many people identify as Republicans or Democrats for very shallow reasons. A lot of moms buy their daughters Wonder Woman underoos and cheer on equal pay for equal work and are against rape and more access for day care for working mothers, and that's about the extent of their feminism. This is probably (I don't really know, but it seems a reasonable guess) the majority of self-described feminists.
Somehow, I don't think these are the women whom you were thinking of, when you thought, "I hate feminism and feminists."
The ones you were thinking of, I suspect, were the more extreme feminists, perhaps academics who say things like "All men are rapists" and calling just about everything that happens between a man and a woman rape, and for outlawing porn. Those feminists.
What you need to know is that those feminists constitute a TINY portion of women who think of themselves as feminists, and that they fucking LOVE it when you conflate the two. They love it when people think they speak for all women who consider themselves feminists, even though the Wonder Woman mom feminists might not agree with most of what the extremist feminists have to say.
They love it of course because if the extremist feminists positions are uncritically accepted as the position of feminists as a whole then that amplifies the extreme feminists' voices enormously. They speak for multitudes!
They also love it because when you say, "I hate feminism and feminists" you are punching yourself in the face. You are picking a fight with every woman that thinks of herself as feminist, which means you will almost certainly lose. And you're doing it by opposing people who might find your ideas agreeable, and who might dislike the extreme feminists as much as you do. Congratulations, you're doing just what the extreme feminists want you to do.
Remember, feminism is a big tent. Don't fight the whole tent if you don't have to. I would say, oppose the feminist policy, not feminism. For example, I'm down with equal pay for equal work, opposing rape and sexual harassment, better and more child care for working women, and equal opportunities for women generally (i.e., opposed to the glass ceiling).
But I'm also opposed to letting transgender athletes compete in sports where the layout of their bodies because of the gender they were born with gives them a large advantage over people who are not transgender. I'm against assuming a man is a rapist because he is a man. I think some women can and will make false rape allegations against men, and that this needs to be taken into account when a woman accuses a man of rape or sexual harassment. But I also think that many claims of rape and sexual harassment do have something real to them, and should be investigated thoroughly. Some guys have gotten away with too much shit in real life for too long. Jeffrey Epstein is not alone.
These are nuanced positions, not easily encapsulated by "I hate feminism" or "I am a feminist." But they're mostly me trying to go with evidence and scientific proof, and trying to be fair.
But overall, I'm very comfortable saying that I am a feminist, and generally sympathetic to feminism, even though I know that SOME women who describe themselves as feminists and have leadership positions within the feminist movements would despise me just for having a sexual kink for maledom/femsub. It's a big tent, I feel comfy here.
As for those extreme feminists, I will go with trying to minimize them and discredit their ideas, where appropriate. I'm far from the only self-described feminist who doesn't care for them.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Feminism Made Sexual Bondage As We Know It Possible
Kind of an interesting coincidence, the way sexual bondage took off
in American culture in the 50s and 60s via Betty Page and Movie Star
News, after long being a part of culture generally, but not widely
recognized. Then it really got established in the 80s
Kinda like feminism, which took off in the sixties after long being part of American culture, then became established in the 80s. The timing isn't exact, but it's close.
But I don't think it's a coincidence.
Here's the thing. One of the key points in feminism is that “No means no.” I'm down with that. Women have the right to refuse sexual roles, experiences, whatever, that don't work for them.
But the obverse is also true. “Yes” means “Yes.” Women have a right to their choices, and the ability to say “No” and have it mean something also implies the ability to say “Yes” and have it mean something.
And for sexual bondage to be possible, women have to be able to say “no” and “yes” and it has to mean something (or whatever the safeword happens to be). The personal and cultural freedom that feminism has created for women is what allows them to participate in sexual bondage.
This is why feminism is essential to sexual bondage play. I'm sure there have been exceptional women throughout history, who could do the sexual bondage play and understand it as play even in a society where women are second class citizens with great limitations on their choices, but that's what they were – exceptions.
There is a tendency on the part of people who don't understand sexual roleplay that if it's maledom/femsub play, that the participants must not be aligned with feminism. They're acting out their social/political agenda in the bedroom. There probably are people out there doing that somewhere. I just don't know if you can call it “sexual roleplay” under those circumstances, because it doesn't sound much like play.
So bondage fans owe a lot to feminism. The feminists may not have been intentionally working to ensure that women have the freedom to participate in bondage play and have it be actgual play, but that's what they did. And good for them!
Kinda like feminism, which took off in the sixties after long being part of American culture, then became established in the 80s. The timing isn't exact, but it's close.
But I don't think it's a coincidence.
Here's the thing. One of the key points in feminism is that “No means no.” I'm down with that. Women have the right to refuse sexual roles, experiences, whatever, that don't work for them.
But the obverse is also true. “Yes” means “Yes.” Women have a right to their choices, and the ability to say “No” and have it mean something also implies the ability to say “Yes” and have it mean something.
And for sexual bondage to be possible, women have to be able to say “no” and “yes” and it has to mean something (or whatever the safeword happens to be). The personal and cultural freedom that feminism has created for women is what allows them to participate in sexual bondage.
This is why feminism is essential to sexual bondage play. I'm sure there have been exceptional women throughout history, who could do the sexual bondage play and understand it as play even in a society where women are second class citizens with great limitations on their choices, but that's what they were – exceptions.
There is a tendency on the part of people who don't understand sexual roleplay that if it's maledom/femsub play, that the participants must not be aligned with feminism. They're acting out their social/political agenda in the bedroom. There probably are people out there doing that somewhere. I just don't know if you can call it “sexual roleplay” under those circumstances, because it doesn't sound much like play.
So bondage fans owe a lot to feminism. The feminists may not have been intentionally working to ensure that women have the freedom to participate in bondage play and have it be actgual play, but that's what they did. And good for them!
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Re-Evaluating Old Skinamax Film Reviews In the Modern Age
A few years ago I wrote a reviews of two Skinamax movies, Passion Network (warning: NSFW images at the link) and Vicious Circles (warning: NSFW images at the link.).
I was interested in the movies because they used a plot device that's
common in Internet bondage fantasies: a shadowy network of wealthy,
kinky types get beautiful young women into their network and try to make
them into bondage slaves, either unwillingly or reluctantly.
But “Passion Network” and "Vicious Circles” are a step up on most Internet bondage stories, because the sexual performers in both films do it for money rather than out of fear of being killed or maimed, or because they're being physically imprisoned and have no choice.
This makes so much sense! Why would a wealthy person risk going to prison for years by kidnapping or physically harming women when he could get plenty of women to be in his harem by offering them what amounted to chump change for him? True, prostitution is illegal, but not on the level that kidnapping and harming women is illegal. And it's very rare that the purchases of sex services gets prosecuted at all. It's almost always the prostitute or her pimp, if anyone.
So these Skinamax films got it right. Of course wealthy men who craved kinky sex would just pay women to play the role of kinky sex slaves. Everybody wins, right?
I praised those movies because they're set against a backdrop of so many kinky stories where rich men use all kinds of power games and illegal violence and threats of violence to make women do their bidding.
I think some of you may see where this is going. Because … I was wrong. So wrong. And you know who proved me wrong? Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz and Prince Andrew, and quite a few others if the prosecutors have the balls to go after all of Epstein's clients, and not just Epstein (not holding my breath).
These are rich, powerful men who had sex with women they had no business having sex with. I have read accounts that Epstein and his cronies used force and intimidation against some of the young girls they victimized, threatening them and their family member with death. Some of the girls they may have just paid off, I don't know. What I do know is that Epstein and his buddies victimized underage girls – even getting them to have sex by offering them lots of money is illegal, because they were not old enough to knowingly give consent.
Epstein and friends COULD have hired adult women who are small and/or look young to pretend they were very young and inexperienced, just like most producers of the pornographic “Barely 18” videos do. But Epstein and friends didn't, they wanted the REAL THING. And they got it.
Just like those wealthy men in all those Internet fantasies did. They didn't want pretendy slavegirls, they wanted the real thing, and they were willing to risk jail to get it.
I think I got this wrong because I didn't understand just how little fear the wealthy in our society have of being jailed for ANY reason. The Internet bondage fantasies were what was closest to the truth, not “Passion Network” and “Vicious Circles.” Jeffrey Epstein and Company proved that.
And the saddest part is, I wouldn't be surprised if the bad guys totally get away with it … just like the Internet fantasy bad guys.
I have to say, I liked the world a lot better when I thought the Internet fantasies were just horny, harebrained fantasies instead of prosaic reality.
But “Passion Network” and "Vicious Circles” are a step up on most Internet bondage stories, because the sexual performers in both films do it for money rather than out of fear of being killed or maimed, or because they're being physically imprisoned and have no choice.
This makes so much sense! Why would a wealthy person risk going to prison for years by kidnapping or physically harming women when he could get plenty of women to be in his harem by offering them what amounted to chump change for him? True, prostitution is illegal, but not on the level that kidnapping and harming women is illegal. And it's very rare that the purchases of sex services gets prosecuted at all. It's almost always the prostitute or her pimp, if anyone.
So these Skinamax films got it right. Of course wealthy men who craved kinky sex would just pay women to play the role of kinky sex slaves. Everybody wins, right?
I praised those movies because they're set against a backdrop of so many kinky stories where rich men use all kinds of power games and illegal violence and threats of violence to make women do their bidding.
I think some of you may see where this is going. Because … I was wrong. So wrong. And you know who proved me wrong? Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz and Prince Andrew, and quite a few others if the prosecutors have the balls to go after all of Epstein's clients, and not just Epstein (not holding my breath).
These are rich, powerful men who had sex with women they had no business having sex with. I have read accounts that Epstein and his cronies used force and intimidation against some of the young girls they victimized, threatening them and their family member with death. Some of the girls they may have just paid off, I don't know. What I do know is that Epstein and his buddies victimized underage girls – even getting them to have sex by offering them lots of money is illegal, because they were not old enough to knowingly give consent.
Epstein and friends COULD have hired adult women who are small and/or look young to pretend they were very young and inexperienced, just like most producers of the pornographic “Barely 18” videos do. But Epstein and friends didn't, they wanted the REAL THING. And they got it.
Just like those wealthy men in all those Internet fantasies did. They didn't want pretendy slavegirls, they wanted the real thing, and they were willing to risk jail to get it.
I think I got this wrong because I didn't understand just how little fear the wealthy in our society have of being jailed for ANY reason. The Internet bondage fantasies were what was closest to the truth, not “Passion Network” and “Vicious Circles.” Jeffrey Epstein and Company proved that.
And the saddest part is, I wouldn't be surprised if the bad guys totally get away with it … just like the Internet fantasy bad guys.
I have to say, I liked the world a lot better when I thought the Internet fantasies were just horny, harebrained fantasies instead of prosaic reality.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Collar Climax
Subspace is an interesting phenomenon. I don't think there's anything like it in vanilla relationships. I've read descriptions of it, and listened to them on Youtube as well, and the nearest analog that occurs to me is that they are like the high you can get from meditating, entering a psychological space that is very unlike normal consciousness, overwhelming, and conveys great calm and relaxation, despite the sort of things that are often done to subs in subspace.
Being a science fiction writer and all, I thought, “What if I turned this baby up to 11 and added other stuff besides?” And thus, the concept of Collar Climax was born. The idea is that when a woman in Collar World is collared and has absolutely mind-blowing sex, she sooner or later will enter Collar Climax while she is having said mind-blowing sex. Collar Climax is a variant of subspace in which the sub experiences a great sense of joy and peace and stillness in their mind, as well as a sense of total acceptance. They have accepted their collar, their owner, and their place in the world, and found great joy in all three. The experience does not go away ... ever, necessarily. That joy and stillness remains within them and makes them calmer, saner people.
Most women on Collar World experience a Collar Climax, which has had the effect of raising the collective IQ of Collar World, because although Collar Climax does not directly affect intelligence, by making the women who experience it saner, hence giving them greater access to whatever intelligence they have, it amplifies the effect of intelligence, which may be more useful for them and the society they live in than a simple intelligence boost. Let's face it, in our world there are an awful lot of very intelligent people who are so crippled by depression and other mental illnesses that they can't really use their intelligence.
Collar Climax subs are more effective human beings, and in the early days when they were slaves in fact, it made them greatly sought after as advisors, and gave Collar World a leg up technologically and most especially socially. Society became more egalitarian, warfare ended, and other good things happened over time.
Of course, Collar Climax is a totally made up thing, except of course that mental health really is a good thing and more of it would undoubtedly make for a better world, made up or otherwise. Especially among the leadership, who so often seem to be psychopaths here on Incel World.
Being a science fiction writer and all, I thought, “What if I turned this baby up to 11 and added other stuff besides?” And thus, the concept of Collar Climax was born. The idea is that when a woman in Collar World is collared and has absolutely mind-blowing sex, she sooner or later will enter Collar Climax while she is having said mind-blowing sex. Collar Climax is a variant of subspace in which the sub experiences a great sense of joy and peace and stillness in their mind, as well as a sense of total acceptance. They have accepted their collar, their owner, and their place in the world, and found great joy in all three. The experience does not go away ... ever, necessarily. That joy and stillness remains within them and makes them calmer, saner people.
Most women on Collar World experience a Collar Climax, which has had the effect of raising the collective IQ of Collar World, because although Collar Climax does not directly affect intelligence, by making the women who experience it saner, hence giving them greater access to whatever intelligence they have, it amplifies the effect of intelligence, which may be more useful for them and the society they live in than a simple intelligence boost. Let's face it, in our world there are an awful lot of very intelligent people who are so crippled by depression and other mental illnesses that they can't really use their intelligence.
Collar Climax subs are more effective human beings, and in the early days when they were slaves in fact, it made them greatly sought after as advisors, and gave Collar World a leg up technologically and most especially socially. Society became more egalitarian, warfare ended, and other good things happened over time.
Of course, Collar Climax is a totally made up thing, except of course that mental health really is a good thing and more of it would undoubtedly make for a better world, made up or otherwise. Especially among the leadership, who so often seem to be psychopaths here on Incel World.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
The Temple of the Collar
who have done kinky RP on Second Life will recognize the term “Temple
of the Collar.” Second Life is a virtual reality game, virtually all of
whose objects and programming and A group of Second Life builders got
together and created collars and other bondage toys that share common
Open Source scripts that allows people to cheaply and easily share their
skills and toys for kinky RP, chief among which would be collars.
Designers created all kinds of designs for collars, scripters created
all kinds of scripts for collars and as a result they were able to offer
them cheaply, and in some cases for free, to Second Life Rpers, making
kinky RP a lot more user-friendly if you know what I mean, wink-wink
I didn't need the objects and scripts for Collar World, but I did borrow the name and the sense of generosity and inclusion for the Temple of the Collar. On Collar World, the Temple of the Collar serves as a social safety valve for those whose collars do not rest comfortably on their necks.
Some people will be misfits and will have a hard time in a relationship and feel the need to run away or “break a collar” which is the term for ending a personal collar relationship. At the Temple of the Collar, slaves without collars can get food, a place to sleep, safety and counseling, even a new collar of they want one. The Temple of the Collar collar allows a slave to recover until they want a new collar. Some slaves even take on a Temple collar permanently, finding it very comfortable.
The Temple shows up prominently in two of my stories, Collar Dread about a slavegirl who is fearful of the psychological changes created by collaring, and “The Visitor From Incel World” about a woman from Earth transported to Collar World by a physics experiment gone awry (which is still in editing).
Oh, did I mention the psychological aspects of collaring? Well, I did go into a lot of science fiction thinking there, too. Yet another blog post coming on that one.
I didn't need the objects and scripts for Collar World, but I did borrow the name and the sense of generosity and inclusion for the Temple of the Collar. On Collar World, the Temple of the Collar serves as a social safety valve for those whose collars do not rest comfortably on their necks.
Some people will be misfits and will have a hard time in a relationship and feel the need to run away or “break a collar” which is the term for ending a personal collar relationship. At the Temple of the Collar, slaves without collars can get food, a place to sleep, safety and counseling, even a new collar of they want one. The Temple of the Collar collar allows a slave to recover until they want a new collar. Some slaves even take on a Temple collar permanently, finding it very comfortable.
The Temple shows up prominently in two of my stories, Collar Dread about a slavegirl who is fearful of the psychological changes created by collaring, and “The Visitor From Incel World” about a woman from Earth transported to Collar World by a physics experiment gone awry (which is still in editing).
Oh, did I mention the psychological aspects of collaring? Well, I did go into a lot of science fiction thinking there, too. Yet another blog post coming on that one.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Collaring on Collar World: How Censorship Imposes Itself on Art
I mentioned in an earlier post that I had to make some rules up for
Collar World specifically so my stories could be marketable, not because
they were logical extensions of my thoughts on a society that
The biggest whopper I had to tell about Collar World is that teens had to wait until they were 18 years old before they could get collared or collar someone else, and that they eschewed any dating or sexual activity prior to that.
I had to do that because Amazon and most other retailers are not about to sell or distribute (hi, Smashwords!) any erotica that has underage content. It's legally terra incognito for any erotica writer. I don't honestly believe teen characters as a group would hold back from sexual expression of any kind prior to reaching 18, but here we are. Being able to describe the romantic foibles and fumblings of kinky kids sounds like great fun, but not if you're going to get all erotic about it.
To make up for it, once my characters hit 18 and can start collaring one another, they go from 0 to 60, sex-wise. Once a girl reaches that age, she can be collared by any boy (or girl, if both are so inclined) and they both go nuts with the kinky sex. And instead of asking her out on a date, he gets to kidnap her, sneaking up on her, tying her up and taking her home after stopping off at a police kiosk to register it as a collaring rather than a kidnapping.
And that's also how I get around another requirement imposed by the market, the requirement for consensuality, since at the police kiosk the girl has to agree to the collaring for it to proceed. You can't do nonconsensual at all on Amazon, and a lot of other distributors are not gonna touch it, either.
So many legal and marketing choices are disguised as artistic choices. I think it would be a lot more exciting and suspenseful in a story to have the collaring be something more along the lines of a kidnapping, kind of like the old non-erotic romances, where a pirate would kidnap a comely lady, have sex with her without her consent, and then fall in love with her, generally with her consent since she also falls in love with him.
Well in this modern era that won't fly if you include graphic sex scenes, and no amount of falling in love afterward will make up for it!
So off to the police kiosk it is, where a cop records it as a collaring and sometimes a crowd of neighbors watch and “ooh!” and “aah!” at the young lovers. Sometimes even the girl's parents. (“My little girl is growing up -- her first collaring! Sob!”)
All kinds of sly fun to be had there, and I take full advantage of it in my first Collar World story, Stolen Collar, Stolen Heart which is about a girl's first collaring and was the impetus for much of my thought on the topic.
I also have girls subject to this temporary kidnap/collaring up to half a dozen times because they're temporary collars, kind of a dating thing but a LOT more intense since the slavegirl moves in with the guy and wears his collar. (I'm using maledom/femsub nomenclature here, but the same applies for whatever gender pairings comes up.)
After half a dozen tries, generally the girl gets a Temple Collar or an asexual collar, whatever works for her, really, and she has all the time she needs to figure out what she likes. But quite frequently, the first collaring or one soon afterward leads to Collar Climax and the collar becomes permanent. Collar Climax? Well, that's a science fiction psychological aspect of collaring on Collar World that I will be described in another post.
The biggest whopper I had to tell about Collar World is that teens had to wait until they were 18 years old before they could get collared or collar someone else, and that they eschewed any dating or sexual activity prior to that.
I had to do that because Amazon and most other retailers are not about to sell or distribute (hi, Smashwords!) any erotica that has underage content. It's legally terra incognito for any erotica writer. I don't honestly believe teen characters as a group would hold back from sexual expression of any kind prior to reaching 18, but here we are. Being able to describe the romantic foibles and fumblings of kinky kids sounds like great fun, but not if you're going to get all erotic about it.
To make up for it, once my characters hit 18 and can start collaring one another, they go from 0 to 60, sex-wise. Once a girl reaches that age, she can be collared by any boy (or girl, if both are so inclined) and they both go nuts with the kinky sex. And instead of asking her out on a date, he gets to kidnap her, sneaking up on her, tying her up and taking her home after stopping off at a police kiosk to register it as a collaring rather than a kidnapping.
And that's also how I get around another requirement imposed by the market, the requirement for consensuality, since at the police kiosk the girl has to agree to the collaring for it to proceed. You can't do nonconsensual at all on Amazon, and a lot of other distributors are not gonna touch it, either.
So many legal and marketing choices are disguised as artistic choices. I think it would be a lot more exciting and suspenseful in a story to have the collaring be something more along the lines of a kidnapping, kind of like the old non-erotic romances, where a pirate would kidnap a comely lady, have sex with her without her consent, and then fall in love with her, generally with her consent since she also falls in love with him.
Well in this modern era that won't fly if you include graphic sex scenes, and no amount of falling in love afterward will make up for it!
So off to the police kiosk it is, where a cop records it as a collaring and sometimes a crowd of neighbors watch and “ooh!” and “aah!” at the young lovers. Sometimes even the girl's parents. (“My little girl is growing up -- her first collaring! Sob!”)
All kinds of sly fun to be had there, and I take full advantage of it in my first Collar World story, Stolen Collar, Stolen Heart which is about a girl's first collaring and was the impetus for much of my thought on the topic.
I also have girls subject to this temporary kidnap/collaring up to half a dozen times because they're temporary collars, kind of a dating thing but a LOT more intense since the slavegirl moves in with the guy and wears his collar. (I'm using maledom/femsub nomenclature here, but the same applies for whatever gender pairings comes up.)
After half a dozen tries, generally the girl gets a Temple Collar or an asexual collar, whatever works for her, really, and she has all the time she needs to figure out what she likes. But quite frequently, the first collaring or one soon afterward leads to Collar Climax and the collar becomes permanent. Collar Climax? Well, that's a science fiction psychological aspect of collaring on Collar World that I will be described in another post.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
The Joy of Collars and Collaring 1: A Collar For Everyone Who Wants One
"That enough collar for ya, girl?"
This turned out to be important and useful when I decided to create an alternate world where everyone is into dominance and submission. I figured most would be into maledom/femsub stuff, like here on Earth, but there would also be femdom/malesub relationships, as well as gay relationships, asexuals and so forth. There just wouldn't be any, or very rarely, vanilla sexual relationships. It's not that there is any bigotry against vanilla sex, it's just that most people on Collar World wouldn't find it nearly as fun and sexy as kinky sex.
Plus, I didn't want bigotry to be a major theme in the world. “Bigotry is bad”is a good lesson but one well known to most who are into kinky sex. I wanted it to be more of a thought experiment: what kind of world would a world with just kinky people in it be? How would kink culture express itself if it were the dominant culture?
And that's where collaring comes in. To start with, of course, there's a personal collar, where a Master or Mistress gives a sub a collar proclaiming her or him the property of said Master or Mistress, with text that typically says, “XXX, property of ZZZ.” It would probably be the most common sort of collar, and the most sought-after collar.
There would also be Free Use collars, for women who want to have sex with just about anyone, anytime, with some kind of clearly visible hatching that lets Free Use collars be easily identifiable in a crowd or on the street.
There would also be institutional collars, or work collars, that let people know the wearer is on business. Women who have personal collars might have a work tag they hang from one of their personal collar rings, or maybe they'd wear two collars. It would be a matter of taste and practicality.
But work collars would also serve to let women who want a collar but aren't currently in a relationship go about their day without being collared by Masters looking for slaves.
And there would be asexual collars for men and women who don't want to be bothered, or whom are actually asexual, and Temple of the Collar collars for those in service or claiming shelter at a Temple of the Collar, as in the opening of Collar Dread. (I'll save a full explanation of the Temple of the Collar for another post.)
Of course, most Mistresses and Masters wouldn't wear collars at all. They'd be putting collars on the submissives. The lack of a collar would suffice to declare their status.
The point is, on Collar World most people can find a collar (or lack of one) that they are psychologically comfortable wearing. Everyone who wants to feel owned, and most women on Collar World do, can feel owned, generally by a personal Master or Mistress.
I did do one thing in my Collar World stories that I had to for the sake of their salability in the marketplace. And I made some other changes as a result, but more about that in another column. I think I've laid the groundwork here.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
The Collar: Advanced Science Fiction Thinking
Some of my most advanced science fiction thinking has been on the
topic of collars and collaring, for my Collar World series, which is six
books long now, counting works in progress. Already published are
“Stolen Collar, Stolen Heart,” a novel, “Collar Dread,” another novel,
“Crazy Aunts and Scary Uncles,” a 38,000-word novelette, and “Campus
Slut Run,” a 9000-word short story. In the works are “The Visitor from
Incel World” (a completed novel, but in editing) and Conquest of Incel
World, which I'm about 60,000 words into, but will likely run to 80,000
words or more.
You can find the Amazon links to buy them all at my International Bookstore site.
I've invested a lot into Collar World, but that's primarily because I did some world-building before I set pen to paper. One thing I gave a lot of thought to was the technology of collars.
Currently, collars are inert pieces of metal that are often beautifully designed for aesthetic and functional reasons, but in my Collar World series, they're much more than that.
This slave collar looks like it could hide the guts of three or four cell phones inside it and still be plenty thick enough to be an effective restraint.
In Collar World, collars are filled with all sorts of tech wizardry. They have GPS locators so their wearers can't get lost, they function as cell phones and as credit cards. They can also record video and conversations. Basically, anything a cell phone can do, a collar can do.
This collar could probably hide just one cell-phone-equvalent's worth of electronics but one is all that's needed.
The collar can be linked to a dedicated controller, a screen or a desktop controller via cord, bluetooth or wifi, depending.
I don't see why any of this tech isn't possible right now with present day tech. Of course, the collar would have to be a large, thick one, either a leather collar with pockets to hold the electronics or a large metal collar with a hollow interior to hold the electronics. A thin wire necklace collar wouldn't do, though I'm sure if tech collars became popular, Apple would design one.
This isn't completely original with me. [In Second Life they have virtual collars](https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RE-Inked-Collar-RLV-ENGRAVABLE-MESH-LUX-Collection/10234401) that can do all this and more besides, restricting the wearer's sight, hearing and ability to move around in the game, and making their body assume poses whether the wearer likes it or not.
But real life collars that have most functions of a cell phone are, to my mind, definitely possible. Frankly I don't know why we haven't seen them for sale in the specialty websites yet. Well, I do have some guesses, mostly based on ignorance.
For example, I remember reading about the electronic fields created by cell phones was at one time a concern, that having the phones on one's body could lead to sterility, etc. I don't recall anything ever coming of that, so it probably is not a big deal, but I don't KNOW if that's true. Could be some concerns with wearing a microwave/bluetooth/wifi emitter around your neck. I don't know. But the guys at scifi worldbuilding might.
There may also be cultural barriers. If collars as phones or credit cards for subs became a common thing, phone services might not be willing to carry collar phones, and/or banks might not be willing to process credit transactions from collars.
I don't know that that's the case, just guessing that there might be problems. Banks tend to separate themselves from the sexy.
There might also be physical stresses on the electronics in a collar, but ordinary cell phones have to endure a lot of stress too, and they mostly do all right. And frankly, I think a large metal collar would provide much better protection for the electronics within it than your average cell phone casing, and still keep its wearer securely attached to the bed/post/whatever.
Well, there you have it. Advanced collar tech for the busy sub on the go. Probably not feasible because people get so freaked out about sex in our current culture. But there's no TECHNICAL reason why they couldn't exist, that I know of.
also given a lot of advanced science fictional thought to how widely
accepted collars for slavegirls (as on Collar World) might work. More on
that later.
In the meantime, one of you builders of collars get out there and make my techno-collar visions come true.
You can find the Amazon links to buy them all at my International Bookstore site.
I've invested a lot into Collar World, but that's primarily because I did some world-building before I set pen to paper. One thing I gave a lot of thought to was the technology of collars.
Currently, collars are inert pieces of metal that are often beautifully designed for aesthetic and functional reasons, but in my Collar World series, they're much more than that.
This slave collar looks like it could hide the guts of three or four cell phones inside it and still be plenty thick enough to be an effective restraint.
In Collar World, collars are filled with all sorts of tech wizardry. They have GPS locators so their wearers can't get lost, they function as cell phones and as credit cards. They can also record video and conversations. Basically, anything a cell phone can do, a collar can do.
This collar could probably hide just one cell-phone-equvalent's worth of electronics but one is all that's needed.
The collar can be linked to a dedicated controller, a screen or a desktop controller via cord, bluetooth or wifi, depending.
I don't see why any of this tech isn't possible right now with present day tech. Of course, the collar would have to be a large, thick one, either a leather collar with pockets to hold the electronics or a large metal collar with a hollow interior to hold the electronics. A thin wire necklace collar wouldn't do, though I'm sure if tech collars became popular, Apple would design one.
This isn't completely original with me. [In Second Life they have virtual collars](https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RE-Inked-Collar-RLV-ENGRAVABLE-MESH-LUX-Collection/10234401) that can do all this and more besides, restricting the wearer's sight, hearing and ability to move around in the game, and making their body assume poses whether the wearer likes it or not.
But real life collars that have most functions of a cell phone are, to my mind, definitely possible. Frankly I don't know why we haven't seen them for sale in the specialty websites yet. Well, I do have some guesses, mostly based on ignorance.
For example, I remember reading about the electronic fields created by cell phones was at one time a concern, that having the phones on one's body could lead to sterility, etc. I don't recall anything ever coming of that, so it probably is not a big deal, but I don't KNOW if that's true. Could be some concerns with wearing a microwave/bluetooth/wifi emitter around your neck. I don't know. But the guys at scifi worldbuilding might.
There may also be cultural barriers. If collars as phones or credit cards for subs became a common thing, phone services might not be willing to carry collar phones, and/or banks might not be willing to process credit transactions from collars.
I don't know that that's the case, just guessing that there might be problems. Banks tend to separate themselves from the sexy.
There might also be physical stresses on the electronics in a collar, but ordinary cell phones have to endure a lot of stress too, and they mostly do all right. And frankly, I think a large metal collar would provide much better protection for the electronics within it than your average cell phone casing, and still keep its wearer securely attached to the bed/post/whatever.
Well, there you have it. Advanced collar tech for the busy sub on the go. Probably not feasible because people get so freaked out about sex in our current culture. But there's no TECHNICAL reason why they couldn't exist, that I know of.
In the meantime, one of you builders of collars get out there and make my techno-collar visions come true.
Friday, July 5, 2019
Advanced Science Fiction Thinking!
It's my considered opinion as a known science fiction writer that as soon as medical nanotech makes it feasible, the nanoclit will come into being.
A nanoclit would be a cluster of nerve cells that induce orgasm when stimulated, much as the OC (Original Clit) does. Nanoclits could be implanted anywhere in the body, but I suspect that favorite places would include the throat and rectum, and perhaps the nipples.
A woman (or a man) thusly equipped could have orgasms from oral and anal sex just as powerful -- maybe even more powerful -- than in the vagina (well, a man couldn't, not having a vagina). You can see how appealing this would be for everyone involved. Women and gay men would be all over that shit, and their lovers would be all over them having it.
That's basic science fiction thinking, so far. Easy-peasy.
Advanced scientific thinking would involve realizing that no matter how pleasurable the sensations created by oral and anal clits might be, SOME people are going to maintain that REAL women and REAL gay men can obtain orgasms through oral and anal sex WITHOUT anal or oral ciits, that this is indeed the test of TRUE LOVE. It might not be a WIDESPREAD belief, but some will hold it.
(I know women can have orgasms via blowjobs and anal sex, but not as easily as by stimulating an actual clit, because clits are MADE for to create orgasms via stimulation.)
But wait, there's more. I can also envision a future where some people would encourage their daughters to get oral and anal clits upon reaching puberty, as a way of decreasing the chances of them getting pregnant via PIV (Penis In Vagina) intercourse. The idea of course being that if oral and anal sex is just as pleasurable as vaginal sex, and MUCH safer, then their daughters will eschew vaginal sex, and have a much lesser chance of an unplanned pregnancy.
But wait, there's EVEN MORE. Another likely outcome will be that SOME young women would be all for PIV sex, BECAUSE it's riskier.
That's advanced science fiction thinking. I've not gone beyond the basic stuff in any of my stories, with regard to nanoclits, as most of my characters have either been fully adjusted slavegirls who use the nanoclits to the fullest, or in one case, in Jessica's Virgin Auction a woman raised by extremely repressed fundamentalists who would never think of getting their daughter a clit of any kind, in fact, they're not crazy about her OC. I do use some advanced science fiction thinking there, hypothesizing that restrictive parents like Jessica's might use advanced tech to create an Orwellian nightmare of sexual surveillance for her, far beyond what current-day fundamentalists can manage. (BTW, you can pick up "Jessica's Virgin Auction" along with "Mia the Contortionist" and "Yard Sale Slut" in my Tavern Slut Trilogy.
In the same vein, in the Collar World series … well, best save something for next post.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Collar Dread: Making Trouble In Paradise

International Bookstore Link
Amazon US Link
So one of the problems of creating a utopia in a story is that they can be dull reading. Happy happy nice nice forever is great for the protagonists, but it's dull for readers. That's why romance novels always have the HEA (Happily Ever After) at the end of the story.
My favorite solution to this problem is the one devised by Ian Banks for his Culture novels. The Culture is an interstellar empire where everybody leads a wonderful life because some very smart, very capable artificial intelligences actually run the society and handle all the heavy stuff like warfare. But the Culture is surrounded by less desirable human civilizations that range from early medieval civilizations to full spacefaring civilizations whose leaders aren't willing to cede power to any artificial intelligences.
The non-Culture civilizations run the gamut from well-run civilizations that get on quite well with the Culture to real crapsack worlds that the Culture tends to interfere with to minimize human misery. It falls to a section called Special Circumstances to deal with such civilizations, and most Culture novels are about Special Circumstances agents having a perilous time dealing with crapsack worlds.
Collar World is definitely a utopia of sorts, and I've had to think how to keep the stories from being dull. The first Collar World story was easy, it was a Young Adult erotic romance that had built-in conflict. Romantic issues can happen even in paradise.
And for my next story, I decided to go with using the very feature that makes Collar World a utopia, the Collar Climax. A deep and life-changing psychological transformation that occurs when a submissive is collared by the right Master (or Mistress, if that is her inclination), Collar Climax has changed civilization on Collar World for the better. It is a combination of going into subspace, falling in love and experiencing an epiphany that leaves the slavegirl feeling calm and clear of thought. It may not make her more intelligent, but it makes her sane, better able to access her own intelligence for her own sake, and the sake of others she cares about.
(Disclaimer: although Collar Climax is based on psychological effects submissives have reported, particularly entering subspace, its long term effects are entirely fictional, so far as I know.)
It occurred to me that deep and long-lasting psychological changes incurred by collaring could be scary. One moment, you are you, the next moment Collar Climax has transformed you into someone else.
And that's when I came up with the idea of Collar Dread. For most women, Collar Dread might exist just as a sense of mild anxiety that you might get with any major psychological change, no matter how eagerly anticipated. But for some it's an overwhelming dread that can lead some of them to extremes, even suicide.
So the protagonist of Collar Dread is an orphan who has turned 18 and had to leave the orphanage, and now faces imminent collaring. For most female orphans this is a happy moment, when she will be able to find a Master of her very own to love her and be loved by her.
But for Arlette Spencer, it was a time of Collar Dread. An orphan, she knew the worst could happen to her, because it had. With a powerful libido, she knew her body's ability to control her. Extremely bright, she feared her mind shutting down when she took a man's collar, becoming a sex zombie, capable of nothing but lusting after the man that owned her.
The story is about Arlette trying to deal with her Collar Dread, finding a way out before she was involuntarily collared or fell to the dark forces that preyed on girls who could not find a collar.
Collar Dread has been one of the best sellers from my back catalog. I'm not surprised.
Monday, July 1, 2019
Writing sex scenes in mainstream stories is incredibly tricky
Had a good day of writing today. I was having trouble with how to make a sex scene work for my Dana Scull – er, Diana Stark character in the sequel to “The Visitor from Incel World,” (working title is “Conquest of Incel World”). The rough draft is about at the 60,000 word mark right now but is nowhere near finished. I'm looking at 80,000 words, maybe more. Hey, epic!
I find it's harder to write sex scenes for non-erotic work. You'd think it would be easier, since you're leaving most of the sex out. But NOOOOOO, it's more difficult, dammit. Because you want to write the stuff that leads to the sex scene, and, if it's supposed to be a scene where the characters form a stronger bond (become lovers or marry or whatever) then it should be a sexy sex scene, and that's damned hard when you can't include the sex. You just have to kind of lead up to it and then skip over to afterward and say, “and everybody had a wonderful time and loved each other very much as a result” or else describe it in sufficiently vague terms that no one could possibly get aroused by reading about it, like, “And then he threw his manliness over her, and she wrapped herself in it it was the finest silken blanket every, and together they made the bed in the filthiest manner imaginable, and fell in love as a result.”
Seriously, what I try to do is set up the fantasy fuel situation so the reader can have a pretty good time imaging what went on, trying to set it up as well as Norman did in his heyday. But the rules were different then. Now I have to be a lot more careful than Norman ever did.
(I kind you not, I once found a copy of “Dancer of Gor” with its virgin auction scene with the heroine fucked hooded and in bondage by 17 different men on the night she loses her virginity (after the auction) on a rack of paperbacks in the YOUNG ADULT section of a PUBLIC LIBRARY. Granted, it was probably a mistake, but for some lucky young adult, a FUN mistake.)
We live in weird times now, and I'm not talking about politics. We have to write so carefully to satisfy such weird anti-fetishes of the publishes and distributors. As for you readers out there who like reading sexy stuff, the attitude of publishers and distributors is clearly FUCK YOU!.
They honestly do not give a shit about you.
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