Monday, July 1, 2019

Writing sex scenes in mainstream stories is incredibly tricky

Had a good day of writing today. I was having trouble with how to make a sex scene work for my Dana Scull – er, Diana Stark character in the sequel to “The Visitor from Incel World,” (working title is “Conquest of Incel World”). The rough draft is about at the 60,000 word mark right now but is nowhere near finished. I'm looking at 80,000 words, maybe more. Hey, epic!
I find it's harder to write sex scenes for non-erotic work. You'd think it would be easier, since you're leaving most of the sex out. But NOOOOOO, it's more difficult, dammit. Because you want to write the stuff that leads to the sex scene, and, if it's supposed to be a scene where the characters form a stronger bond (become lovers or marry or whatever) then it should be a sexy sex scene, and that's damned hard when you can't include the sex. You just have to kind of lead up to it and then skip over to afterward and say, “and everybody had a wonderful time and loved each other very much as a result” or else describe it in sufficiently vague terms that no one could possibly get aroused by reading about it, like, “And then he threw his manliness over her, and she wrapped herself in it it was the finest silken blanket every, and together they made the bed in the filthiest manner imaginable, and fell in love as a result.”
Seriously, what I try to do is set up the fantasy fuel situation so the reader can have a pretty good time imaging what went on, trying to set it up as well as Norman did in his heyday. But the rules were different then. Now I have to be a lot more careful than Norman ever did.
(I kind you not, I once found a copy of “Dancer of Gor” with its virgin auction scene with the heroine fucked hooded and in bondage by 17 different men on the night she loses her virginity (after the auction) on a rack of paperbacks in the YOUNG ADULT section of a PUBLIC LIBRARY. Granted, it was probably a mistake, but for some lucky young adult, a FUN mistake.)
We live in weird times now, and I'm not talking about politics. We have to write so carefully to satisfy such weird anti-fetishes of the publishes and distributors. As for you readers out there who like reading sexy stuff, the attitude of publishers and distributors is clearly FUCK YOU!.
They honestly do not give a shit about you.

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