Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Visitor to Incel World Is Now Free On Amazon Through May 15

Get It For Free At This Link

It's an alternate world science fiction novel, I'm making it a free promo for a few days, hopefully it will draw readers to the sequel, "The Love Invasion" in which one alternate world attempts to stave off war with another. Here's da blurb on "The Visitor From Incel World:"

Ariana Heppelwhite was a promising Gender Studies grad student at Lacy Swanson College for Women in Bayport, Massachusetts. She had actually written a paper describing three hitherto unknown forms of nanoaggression! She was on track for getting a professorship and a actual job with a real salary and all the perks, maybe even tenure eventually.

Ariana had even met an unexpectedly charming incel (a phrase she had never expected to think, much less say) while doing research on incels for a grant she had. Sure, she'd done some nasty academic infighting that had an athletic department coach looking for her scalp over a transmale gaze incident, but overall, things were coming up roses for Ariana.

Then it happened. Ariana got caught in a freak physics accident while running from the gym coach, and was transported to an alternate world. And it was the exact WRONG world for a Gender Studies feminist to be transported to. It was full of women who walked around naked in public and wore collars engraved with “Property of (their significant other)” and who LOVED their collars -- and who seemed to think Ariana was a barbarian from a violent place.

And the thing was, they were all nice people, and calm people, and they just might be right about Ariana. Even more of a thing was that some not-so-nice Collar Land people thought Ariana's world represented such a threat that they should kill her for security reasons.

Will Ariana ever make it back to good old Earth from Collar Land? Will she learn to adjust to these very strange people or will she subvert their entire society? Will the not-nice people kill her? And what about that unexpectedly charming incel?

All these questions and more will be answered -- all you have to do is read this topnotch science fiction comedy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Mia The Contortionist Is Now On Smashwords


This is one of my sexual SF specials, where I go all in on what sort of advances medical tech can make for sexy young women. There's the usual anal and oral clits and the gag reflex nullifier, but there's a LOT more here, sexual feedback loops and other augmentations of the nervous system, and augmentations of the body, that all make sex ever so much more pleasurable and safe. (Yes, safe!)

It's all part of a raunchy, fun BDSM sex story. Here's da blurb:

Come explore the science fiction of sex in a world that's an unending sex party for everyone if they want it to be – and they do.

Mia has the best sex toys ever! She has nanotech augments in her mouth, butt and brain that let her experience sexual sensations that an unaugmented human never could. She also has nanotech augments that make her a contortionist, bendier than any unaugmented human being could ever be. And she has augments that let her share sexual pleasure sensations with her partners.

Mia is having boyfriend issues, though, because she's a natural-born slut. She wants lots of sex with lots of boys, and hence has trouble doling out her favors to keep boys interested. She's a very giving woman. But there's a solution for her: the slut tavern, where you can make love to lots and lots of boys (and girls) and make lots and lots of creds to augment your Basic Income.

And bendy women like Mia are oh, so welcome at slut taverns. Because Mia liked to bend her will to others' needs just as much as she liked bending her body. Taver sluts like Mia get to play the role of kinky sex slaves to the customers who come in AND they get paid for it! Their every sexually submissive desire comes true, as the Masters and Mistresses who come in dominate them and put them through their paces, to everyone's delight.

It's a dream of unbridled sexual pleasure for a slut like Mia, and it's about time some bold science fiction writer wrote a raunchy exploration of that dream, instead of focusing on ugly aliens that want Earth women for immoral porpoises. (Author pauses to gaze nobly into the distance as an unseen wind ruffles his curly locks.)

Dig in and enjoy the ride!

This science fiction erotica novella is a little over 22,000 words long and is part of the Basic Income universe.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Jessica's Virgin Auction is now on Smashwords


You can buy it at this link. It's the same book published on Amazon, but now costs only $1.99.

I've decided to go wide with a lot of my stories, so will be taking them out of KU and publishing them on Smashwords and probably other venues as well. Here's da blurb:

Jessica waited in a tavern alcove, naked bound and gagged, for the first of ten lucky men.

For eighteen long years, Jessica was a very good girl. She had to be. Her parents had bought a watcherball and set it on her. It floated in the air near her at all times, and made sure no one could harm her or bully her. But her sexually hyper-conservative parents had also used the watcherball to prevent her from having any contact with boys, and little or no knowledge of sex outside of the clinical details that were taught in the mandatory school sex education program.

Jessica couldn't even let her hand steal down to her private parts without getting a jolt from the watcherball, not even in her sleep!

But Jessica had an intense interest in boys and sex. Keeping it bottled up for 18 years had only intensified it. The day Jessica turned 18 and became a Basic citizen in her own right, she had deactivated the watcherball, moved into her own apartment and gotten a pornstar body nano-upgrade. Then she had applied for work as a tavern slut, the most sexually intense work there was.

And when the tavern mistress learned that Jessica was a virgin, she suggested to Jessica that they have an event that was rare even in the ultra-sexually licentious 2100s: a virgin auction (because there were so few virgins, and not all of them were interested in being tavern sluts).

Jessica went for it, big time, especially when she found out that her virginity would be auctioned to not one, but ten lucky men who'd use her, one after the other, on a single night of unbridled passion and sexual debauchery. Jessica wanted to dive right into the black box that her parents have made of sex and sexuality. She has names and clinical descriptions of the things she might do, and which might be done to her, but she has NO idea what it will feel like, how it will changer her. But Jessica does know that the idea of giving her virginity to ten random men in return for money as if she were some lowly slave girl appeals to her like nothing else ever has.

Jessica's virgin auction at the Smiling Slut Tavern will be a night of unbridled passion and raw lust that will leave the tavern in tatters. What adventures will await Jessica as she kneels naked and in sexual bondage in her alcove, locked in a chastity belt and a head harness, blindfolded and with her hands cuffed behind her back, waiting to have sex for the first time ever? Don't miss out!

This novella is over 28,000 words long and is part of the Basic Income world.