Sunday, October 28, 2018

Coming Soon: The Great Chase -- The Fourth and Final Story in the Prop Master Series -- Novel Length!

The DID Productions staff continues to work to create epic mainstream sexual bondage movies with DID elements. And the saboteurs continue to work to create havoc on the set. The scenes get wilder and wilder: yes, there are ponygirls in chains on trampolines in one scene. And a lot of other sexy and unlikely peril bondage scenes elsewhere. Ponygirls at a wedding. Ponygirls freaking out psychedelic drug worshipers. And a chainsaw which has soft, rubbery tongues attached to it, instead of blades, the fiendishly sexy tonguesaw! 

Meanwhile, DID Productions hires Rivemont Investigations to find out who'd been sabotaging them and to prevent further stabotage. Roberto Escalder is the lead detective for Rivemont in this investigation, and as he works, dark secrets will be unearthed from the past, secrets that drive some DID Productions people in surprising ways. Violence will erupt, and key players will be endangered. Mixed martial arts will be involved, as well as bombings and worse.

Worse? Oh, yeah, there's worse.

Can Escalder figure out whose invisible hand is pushing the pawns as they attack DID Productions shoots before someone else gets hurt while they try to create fun, sexy movies that adults can enjoy?

You'll just have to read the book: and it IS a book, novel length at over 60,000 words -- to find out.