Monday, July 29, 2019

Let's NOT Appreciate David Attenborough

I recently ran across a thread on Reddit that asked this question: “Can we all appreciate David Attenborough for making great documentaries for over than half a century while he is still with us?”

I'm a fan of David Attenborough. I've enjoyed his documentaries, and his narration style in particular. The tone of hushed excitement he can generate over the mating dance of some bird in southeast Asia is sheer artistry.

But the question pissed me off, because it's based on a lie. It implies that Attenborough has seen little or no recognition in his life. This is bullshit. His life is just chock full of adulation and appreciation. He's famous and wealthy and successful. He doesn't fucking NEED another drop of appreciation.

Meanwhile, all over the world are artists, writers, musicians, scientists and engineers who are doing original, groundbreaking and creative work who, outside a small coterie of fans, NOBODY HAD EVER HEARD OF. They've had BUPKIS of appreciation.

What people like the OP who created the David Attenborough thread (who apparently have appreciation to spare) should really do is find one of those unknown creators and ask for appreciation on their behalf. They need our recognition. Attenborough needs zip from us.

(And yes, I'm one of those writers who is totally unknown outside his tiny little niche of kinky humorous science fiction erotica writers, a niche so small it should actually be called a “dimple on a golf ball.” But I have hope, and faith. Someday I'll have far more recognition than I deserve, and people will actually want to give me more extra appreciation, even if it means depriving other writers and artists who are a lot less well known any appreciation at all. But if this never happens, despite my disappointment I shall remains strong, because what I really want is lots of money.)

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