Friday, July 5, 2019
Advanced Science Fiction Thinking!
It's my considered opinion as a known science fiction writer that as soon as medical nanotech makes it feasible, the nanoclit will come into being.
A nanoclit would be a cluster of nerve cells that induce orgasm when stimulated, much as the OC (Original Clit) does. Nanoclits could be implanted anywhere in the body, but I suspect that favorite places would include the throat and rectum, and perhaps the nipples.
A woman (or a man) thusly equipped could have orgasms from oral and anal sex just as powerful -- maybe even more powerful -- than in the vagina (well, a man couldn't, not having a vagina). You can see how appealing this would be for everyone involved. Women and gay men would be all over that shit, and their lovers would be all over them having it.
That's basic science fiction thinking, so far. Easy-peasy.
Advanced scientific thinking would involve realizing that no matter how pleasurable the sensations created by oral and anal clits might be, SOME people are going to maintain that REAL women and REAL gay men can obtain orgasms through oral and anal sex WITHOUT anal or oral ciits, that this is indeed the test of TRUE LOVE. It might not be a WIDESPREAD belief, but some will hold it.
(I know women can have orgasms via blowjobs and anal sex, but not as easily as by stimulating an actual clit, because clits are MADE for to create orgasms via stimulation.)
But wait, there's more. I can also envision a future where some people would encourage their daughters to get oral and anal clits upon reaching puberty, as a way of decreasing the chances of them getting pregnant via PIV (Penis In Vagina) intercourse. The idea of course being that if oral and anal sex is just as pleasurable as vaginal sex, and MUCH safer, then their daughters will eschew vaginal sex, and have a much lesser chance of an unplanned pregnancy.
But wait, there's EVEN MORE. Another likely outcome will be that SOME young women would be all for PIV sex, BECAUSE it's riskier.
That's advanced science fiction thinking. I've not gone beyond the basic stuff in any of my stories, with regard to nanoclits, as most of my characters have either been fully adjusted slavegirls who use the nanoclits to the fullest, or in one case, in Jessica's Virgin Auction a woman raised by extremely repressed fundamentalists who would never think of getting their daughter a clit of any kind, in fact, they're not crazy about her OC. I do use some advanced science fiction thinking there, hypothesizing that restrictive parents like Jessica's might use advanced tech to create an Orwellian nightmare of sexual surveillance for her, far beyond what current-day fundamentalists can manage. (BTW, you can pick up "Jessica's Virgin Auction" along with "Mia the Contortionist" and "Yard Sale Slut" in my Tavern Slut Trilogy.
In the same vein, in the Collar World series … well, best save something for next post.
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