Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Mia The Contortionist Is Now On Smashwords


This is one of my sexual SF specials, where I go all in on what sort of advances medical tech can make for sexy young women. There's the usual anal and oral clits and the gag reflex nullifier, but there's a LOT more here, sexual feedback loops and other augmentations of the nervous system, and augmentations of the body, that all make sex ever so much more pleasurable and safe. (Yes, safe!)

It's all part of a raunchy, fun BDSM sex story. Here's da blurb:

Come explore the science fiction of sex in a world that's an unending sex party for everyone if they want it to be – and they do.

Mia has the best sex toys ever! She has nanotech augments in her mouth, butt and brain that let her experience sexual sensations that an unaugmented human never could. She also has nanotech augments that make her a contortionist, bendier than any unaugmented human being could ever be. And she has augments that let her share sexual pleasure sensations with her partners.

Mia is having boyfriend issues, though, because she's a natural-born slut. She wants lots of sex with lots of boys, and hence has trouble doling out her favors to keep boys interested. She's a very giving woman. But there's a solution for her: the slut tavern, where you can make love to lots and lots of boys (and girls) and make lots and lots of creds to augment your Basic Income.

And bendy women like Mia are oh, so welcome at slut taverns. Because Mia liked to bend her will to others' needs just as much as she liked bending her body. Taver sluts like Mia get to play the role of kinky sex slaves to the customers who come in AND they get paid for it! Their every sexually submissive desire comes true, as the Masters and Mistresses who come in dominate them and put them through their paces, to everyone's delight.

It's a dream of unbridled sexual pleasure for a slut like Mia, and it's about time some bold science fiction writer wrote a raunchy exploration of that dream, instead of focusing on ugly aliens that want Earth women for immoral porpoises. (Author pauses to gaze nobly into the distance as an unseen wind ruffles his curly locks.)

Dig in and enjoy the ride!

This science fiction erotica novella is a little over 22,000 words long and is part of the Basic Income universe.

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