Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"Jinkie Jenkins On Sexquest Station" Now on Smashwords


This is a port of a story I wrote for Amazon, the main difference is the cover I did for this one. But I am very pleased with the way the cover came out, especially the sexy, sexy smile on the slavegirl (It's Jinkie's slave hotmeat, not Jinkie herself, who is pictured, as Jinkie is not all that knowing). Here's da full blurb:

The filthiest sex hole in the galaxy! Harsh words indeed to describe a quiet little sexual amusement park set up on a giant space station, but that's how reporter Jinkie Jenkins of the Interstellar Inquirer felt about it after a few hours spent reporting on the goings-on at Sexquest Station.

Jinkie's sexually voracious slave girl hotmeat, who came along to help virginal Jinkie out with the sexy stuff, was all over Sexquest Station. That's because Sexquest Station swarmed with sylphs, as naked consensual sex slave girls were called in the parlance of the Human Quadrant. The sylphs and their owners did one sexy thing after another. There were naked dildo jacks and smiling contests (to see which sylph could keep a smile on her face the longest while being sexually molested) and there was even a flower show (the flowers being shown were nestled between the spread legs of slave girls).

Jinkie grew much more enthusiastic about Sexquest Station when she discovered that the Borkistani slavers were operating a slave training pen at the station, as well as providing amusements. The Borkistanis were legal slavers, but it was rumored that the Borkistanis did considerably less legal things than consensual slaving out in the crapsack worlds beyond the borders of the Human Quadrant.

The Borkistanis were even rumored to have kidnapped the entire planet of Alderan! It was the biggest news story in the Human Quadrant, and Jinkie was desperate to cover it instead of the sexy, sexy, far too sexy goings-on of the slavegirls on Sexquest Station.

Will Jinkie get involved with the Borkistanis despite her boss' strict orders not to? And will the overwhelmingly sexy goings-on of the sylphs on Sexquest Station bring the powerful, unknown feelings that they create in Jinkie to a head?

Guess you'll just have to read the novelette to find out!

This story is over 30,000 words long and is Number 2 in the Jinkie Jenkins, Interstellar Sex Reporter series.

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