Friday, May 29, 2020

"Earth: The Love Invasion" Now Available on Amazon

Link to "Earth: The Love Invasion"

(Barry Anderson is a pen name I use to write non-erotic science fiction so as not to disappoint my erotica readers. I want to disappoint a NEW group of readers, thankyewverymuch. Not that everybody won't enjoy this book!)

“Earth: The Love Invasion” is a sequel to “The Visitor From Incel World” but can easily be read as a standalone as it has just two characters carried forward from the previous book, neither of whom is the main character in either book. (Doctor Tammy Frisbie and CIA Agent June Smoringe, for the record.)

What I wanted to do in “Love Invasion” is create a modern update on the pulpy SF alien invasion stories of the 1950s and 60s. You can't really recreate those stories, because they had the cultural energy caused by the Cold War and the McCarthyite Red Scare going to add depth and scariness to the stories. (With Red Scare, we're talking about the 1950s-60s era of politically and culturally conservative hysteria about secret communist spies everywhere, not the podcast, an entirely different thing.)

But right now we have another source of energy to drive the story, as the world slides into Crapsack World status thanks to the inspired leadership of the United States of America. And as I wrote the story, I tried to keep in mind the horrified expression a peaceful human race that has conquered violence and aggression would have as they looked at the prospect of visitors from our wonderful, wonderful world.

And although “Love Invasion” isn't erotica, it's still deals with a world of kinky people. Although there are no explicit sex scenes, there are sex scenes, mostly played for laughs. Kinky fun will be had, just not explicit kinky fun.

And the kink theme of Collar World gives me an excellent change to present vanilla sexuality from a kinkster's view, except of course the Collar World kinksters are not aware of themselves as kinksters, coming from a world of kinksters. They just think the vanilla folks of Earth are kind of strange, violent, twisted and very bad at sex.

I spent a lot of time figuratively rubbing my hands with glee as I wrote this story, yes I did. (I couldn't literally rub my hands with glee because I needed them for typing.) I hope readers will enjoy “Earth: The Love Invasion” as much as I have.