Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Visitor From Incel World: Questions for Beta Readers

I've had The Visitor from Incel World posted to Wattpad for about a week and I've had almost 50 reads. Yay!

And 0 feedback from beta readers. Boo!

In thinking about why this might be so, it occurred to me that it would be intelligent of me to have some specific questions for beta readers to answer. So I made up a list of eight questions. Well, each question has sub-questions, but I don't expect every beta reader to answer every question, they're mostly just to jog readers' memories and to let them know what information I'll find useful, and change the story for.

Here are those questions, and here's the link to "The Visitor from Incel World" in case you want to give it a read.

1. General impression -- was the book a fast read? Was it a slog? Did you like it? Was it a fun read or did it bore you? That kind of thing.
2. Pacing. Did some sections just zip along, while others were a slog? If so, which sections were a slog?
3. Plot: do you feel the story resolved itself nicely? Were any major plot points left hanging other than those that were obviously intentionally left hanging? (Writing the sequel right now!) Were there any cases of idiot plot, where the plot will only work if someone does something really stupid?
4. Characters -- were the characters appealing and interesting? Were they realistic? Did they do some things that were obviously stupid and/or out of character?
5. Setting -- Was Collar World interesting? Did you wind up wanting to know more about it? Did everything seem consistent?
6. Craftsmanship -- Were there enough spelling or grammar errors to annoy you or make some passages difficult to read? Were there any particularities of style, such as using “slavegirl” instead of “slave girl” that were an issue for you?
7. Humor -- were the parts that were supposed to be funny actually funny? Did the humor make you laugh or at least smile? Was it out of place in some scenes? Did it detract from the dramatic tension of the story?
8. Sex -- Collar World is a very different place, sexually, where everyone is kinky and has no problem with public nudity or public sex. I tried to keep it from being too “in your face” but I also wanted to give Ariana something to react to. I also wanted it to give an otherworldly feel to Collar World. Did you generally find this successful? Or unsuccessful? Were there any aspects of the sexiness that you liked/disliked?

Thanks for reading “The Visitor from Incel World.” I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for any input you can provide. We all want better books out there, you might be the one whose comment makes a difference in this case.

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