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The pitch:
Collaring. It was the most exciting thing for any woman on Collared World, the entrance to a new world of sex, love, romance and finding her rightful place in the world. Most women loved it, craved it, sought it with every bit of their submissive hearts.
But not all women felt that way. There was a thing called “Collar Dread.” Most women felt it now and again in a mild way. After all, being collared changed you, everyone knew that. And change can be frightening. We've all got a little Peter Pan in us, frightened of the changes of adulthood.
But most women got over it easily, and then loved being collared so much that many of them went into a sort of temporary insanity called “Collar Frenzy” if they lost their collar.
Some women were terrified of being collared, so much so that every year a few women killed themselves to avoid being collared. Sometimes it was due to mental illness, sometimes due to the quirks of personality and experience. Part of Arlette Spencer's Collar Dread was undoubtedly because her parents died when she turned 12 and she had to go to an orphanage because there were no relatives to take her.
But there was more to it for Arlette. Much more. She feared collaring like death itself, even though she lusted desperately for it And when she left the orphanage and became eligible for collaring, she lived in constant fear that the worst – or was it the best? -- would happen. Perhaps both. Collaring was a mysterious unknown looming over all of Arlette's life.
Arlette had always known she would be collared to some sleazy corporation and vended out to men for their profit, living for sex alone. She was an orphan, she knew the worst could happen to her. Once collared, the question was, how would she survive? Would Geoff, the hunky alpha male slave trainer who had a way of falling in love with his charges be the key? Or was it Dr. Kojak and his team of crack … or was it cracked? … corporate psychologists? Or did the answer lie in Arlette herself? And why did people keep telling Arlette she was going to experience something more wonderful than she could even imagine once she fully embraced her collar?
To find out, read the book. It'll be fun! Psychological suspense combined with erotica and just a smidgeon of humor.
"Collar Dread" is a 48,000 word novel and is number two in the Collared World series
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