I have a lot of places on public spaces that offer me opportunities to link to a blog. But my actual blog, Politically Sexy, is full of adult content. And I'm contented with that adult content, in a very adult sort of way! But ever since Google squashed my Google+ account (and my Youtube account along with it) like a bug because I linked my Google+ page to my Politically Sexy blog, I've been leery of linking to it. So, no adult content here, nosiree, but I'll have LINKS to all my adult content here, which I hope will keep my accounts from being blasted to the Phantom Zone by the Corporate Gods of Cyberspace. I will however be posting about writing, the non-adult parts of writing, in order to give you, my semi-adoring fans, some insight into what makes a great writer tick, and me as well. And I'll probably be posting about other stuff as well, because as my Politically Sexy blog indicates, staying on topic is not easy for me. If my train of thought had a track layout it would look like a ball of yarn an energetic kitten has been playing with for several hours. That said, let's get on with it!
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