Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"Aurion Slave Girl: It Ain't Easy Being Green" a Star Trek erotic parody novella, now on sale at Smashwords for $1.99


Aurion Slave Girl: It Ain't Easy Being Green is a Star Trek erotic parody (I call my universe "Star Treque" for good and legally binding reasons, just as my protagonist is an Aurion slavegirl, not an Orion slavegirl). 

But it's a parody with a difference. I didn't use any established characters, events or locations from the canon stories, even in parody mode. I wanted to write an original story set in the Star Treque universe that stayed in canon but explored the phenomenon of Aurion slavegirls in a way that only a BDSM erotica writer could.

In my story the Aurion slavegirl has the pheremones that are canon, only I made a few changes that I think went more in keeping with what we know of how BDSM works. For example, the Aurion slavegirl pheromones in my story work by making the male so smitten with the slavegirl that he just naturally wants to do whatever makes her happy, making the male extremely receptive to whatever suggestion the Aurion slavegirl suggested.

However, I also posited that the effect wasn't one-way, that it also tended to make the Aurion slavegirl prone to really like and want to have sex with and be helpful to her Master. The effect was much less strong on the slavegirl, which meant the slavegirls were capable of using their Masters for nefarious purposes that might do them harm, but they'd feel terrible about it if it did the Master harm. They'd still DO it if it was their duty as, say, an Aurion intelligence agent, but they'd feel terrible about it.

Thinking about the Aurion slavegirl phenomenon as a whole, I saw them as a key to the development of the Aurion interstellar empire. (The Aurion Empire in my story are a client to the Klaxon Empire, much as the Orion Empire is a client to the Klingon Empire in Star Trek. But in my case "client" in name only.) Aurion slavegirls with their mind control pheromones are the perfect Mata Haris. The Aurion Empire would try to get them placed as mistresses/lovers/wives/slaves/harem members of important males in all the species they encountered, and subtly take over or at least influence that species' governance toward policies that favored the Aurions.

The Aurions would favor this approach because it dovetails very well with their experience as a species. It's their natural route to power.

Along those lines, I hold that when the Orion Master in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Bound" tells Captain Archer that he is under the control of his slavegirls, it’s canon but it shouldn’t be. I think the Orions would want to keep the information about Orion slavegirls’ pheromonal influence secret for as long as possible. Any species that knows about this phenomenon would immediately develop countermeasures. And any species with FTL tech would undoubtedly have the ability to develop effective countermeasures quickly and easily.

Just blurting out this secret for no reason at all is something no Orion would do. I think it was just a casual plot point for that particular story and not at all well thought in terms of what we know about Orions. And yes, I did watch a lot of Star Trek eps that feature Orions and also read some online sources. The very best single source for information about Orions was [this Youtube video]( from Certifiably Ingame. It was far better than any other source for information on the history and culture of the Orions, including Memory Alpha which had a lot of links but is noticeably skimpy on the Orions. The Certifiably Ingame video really got down with the lore on the Orions.

I did notice a certain amount of skimpiness and not-thinking-things-throughness in all of the canon sources regarding to the Orion. I ascribe it to skittishness about the BDSM elements that are inherent to the Aurion slavegirl culture as developed by canon sources. Basically they want the Aurions to be just sexy dancing girls but don’t want to delve deeply into what Aurion slavegirls would really be about (i.e., slavegirl sexuality). Also, there’s general skittishness about sexuality that’s present in most SF as well.

With regard to this general skittishness, for example, my Aurion slavegirls have used advanced medical nanotech to develop sex mods such as oral and anal clits, which make them really enjoy giving blowjobs and  doing anal. I think by the 25th century this kind of tech will be old hat.

Also, I posit the Aurions have some additoinal muscles like unto the muscles that Earth females use when they do their kegels, which allows the Orions to do some extra stuff to the cocks of males when they fuck them.

Trek hasn’t explored anything like this with regard to the Orions, and to me it’s obvious that this sort of sexual tech would exist, and be used by everyone. The canon writers just don’t want to Go There, or maybe they’re forbidden to Go There, it doesn’t matter which, the effect is the same in either event.

That’s a shame, because the Aurion slavegirls are a wonderful SF slavegirl concept that invites all kind of interesting story lines, such as mine – far better than Slave Leia, who has arguably got a better grip on the imagination of mainstream culture, which is a shame. I suspect it is largely because the Aurion slavegirls are green, which is frankly a minor point really. Something future tech could EASILY handle.

So what I’m saying in my semi-humble way is that my take on Orion slavegirls, i.e., the Aurion slavegirl, is far better than any canon take on Orion slavegirls. I did the homework, I watched the episodes, I watched the videos, and I read the Web pages. Don’t believe me? Read my story and find out! It’s slavegirl erotica AND it’s a valid science fiction story. No kidding.

Here’s da blurb:

Jaasra, an Aurion intelligence agent, is happily placed in the harem of a Bergin IV diplomat, his mind wrapped around her little finger by pheromones, when everything goes blank and she wakes up in a Fingery warehouse, being sold to a shady “businessman” name Herbert F. Mudge. Well, no matter, Mudge will be just another man to fall prey to her beauty and her Aurion slave girl pheromones.

Except that Mudge is not at all affected by her pheromones. He’s affected by her beauty, but he’s also a dominant Master who uses her as he wishes and keeps her in perfect bondage at all times. (Which ordinarily Jaasra would love, but without the pheromonal control it was all too real!)

Every day Mudge sends her to a booth on the Street of Sex in the market of Charudar, the starport city on a crapsack world called Faaria. Anyone who comes to the booth can use Jaasra sexually in any way they like that’s legal, and in a practically lawless starport like Charudar, practically everything is legal.

Jaasra gets used in all sorts of ways by all sorts of aliens, like it or not. She cannot control the collar that Mudge has put on her, and he can control her from anywhere via an app on his pad, and so can visitors to the booth via a pad in the booth. Jaasra is the helpless puppet of anyone who has the very small amount of money needed to pay for her use.

Will she ever manage to escape Mudge’s control with her sanity intact?

This novella is part of the Star Treque erotic parody universe, and is over 20,000 words long. It is in the same universe as my novel Star Treque: Invasion of the Kinky Slave Girls and occurs 50-100 years prior to the events in that story. You do not have to read one story to enjoy the other: the background universe they are in are the same, but they share no characters, events or locations. But if you like this story, you might like Star Treque.

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