Thursday, February 9, 2023

"Bound for Bebop City" Is Now on Sale on Amazon and Smashwords


Click here to get the book on Amazon.

Click here to get the book on Smashwords.

Here's the short blurb:

Sweet, virginal Mincy lives in alternate timeline in the 1950s where everyone’s into sexual bondage and a drug called nersha renders teens uninterested in sex. But when they're taken off nersha after their 18th birthdays, the teens turn into frenzied sex maniacs, filled with animal need. How will Mincy cope with the mad passion driving her to submit sexually to a Master? Who will that Master be?

The 1950s was a profoundly weird period in American history. Supposedly it is the era that is nearest and dearest to the hearts of American cultural conservatives. It predated women’s liberation, the civil rights movement and the hippie movement, all of which they still despise.

Women were still mostly homemakers – even though many of them had had the experience of working in industrial and corporate jobs during World War II when so many American men were busy being machine gun fodder. And black people were out of sight and out of mind.

The role of women was so constrained that there’s a subniche of BDSM called “1950s domestic discipline” that exists, though I don’t think it’s huge. (I don’t think it’s huge because when I checked keywords on Amazon for “retro domestic discipline” I only got eight hits. When I searched for “1950s domestic discipline” I only got 34 hits: better but not exactly a landslide. However, the keywords “domestic discipline” (which I think is just code for spanking) got over 10,000 hits on Amazon. But I think that covers spankings from all time periods, within the context of a husband/wife relationship.

In any event, here’s a scholarly paper on 1950s domestic discipline which covers the topic well.

A lot was going on under the hood of the 1950s that would lead to all the things conservatives hate. This was most especially true in the areas of music and dance. While the older adults in the 1950s were still hung up on standards and leftover big band music the young kids were getting with the “race music” the early rocknroll songs that would soon rule the popular music scene. (It was called “race music” by some because it was a genre created mostly by black musicians. First jazz, now rocknroll… it drove the racists nuts.)

That’s part of the point of the dance hall scene at Pop’s Sodium Shoppe, to show rocknroll creeping in as the Bloomed (those who have gone off nersha and had their sexuality restored) dirty danced to the early rocknroll while the unbloomed shuffle danced to modern electro rock.

I chose modern shuffle dancing because I find it a joyful and expressive dance but not particularly sexual – an asexual sort of dance, still full of emotion and pleasure, though. Here’s a video of a great shuffle dance to “Lost in the Rhythm,” an electro-swing hit. (If you just search for “shuffle dance” you’ll find a lot of dances that incorporate sexy moves like twerking into the dance. They’re dances but not really shuffle dances.)

As for the Bloomed dancing, I was thinking of something like this scene from Dirty Dancing only with more acrobatics, lots of nudity and some actual fucking.

Much of my portrayal of the aesthetics of the 50s is informed various books on the topic, but you can easily get a feel for the imagery of the era by doing an image search for “Fifties Aesthetic.”

My initial idea for the story was to put a new spin on first time stories by having puberty delayed until age 18 but then have it hit like a runaway freight train, and how does a society cope with that? Everything else spun off from that central idea. I hope you enjoy it… I enjoyed writing it, though it was tough.