Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"The Slut Run" a BDSM Sex Comedy Novelette, Now on Smashwords


Now available on Smashwords and other major media outlets, this is pretty much the same novelette that was initially published on Amazon four years ago. Funny and fun, and just $1.99 on the Smash (in Kindle, Nook and other popular formats).

Here's da blurb:

Cyndi was a very conservative young feminist who enjoyed nothing more than the tedious academic arguments about gender that came naturally to her as a brilliant graduate student in the Gender Studies program at good ol' Goof U (aka the Grand Unified Free University of Colombo 7).

But Cyndi had a secret, a secret she kept even from herself. Every so often she got very drunk at Gavigan's Tavern, stripped off her clothes, screamed “I am a slut!” and ran out the front door, knowing that she would be pursued by half the tavern's patrons. Because the first one to catch her and put a collar on her could claim her as his or her love slave.

It was called a slut run, a huge mass of drunken students pouring out on to the university grounds in hot pursuit of a naked woman. Who would catch Cyndi? She had run many times, always escaping. But Joe the handsome, charming bartender at Gavigan's had plans for Cyndi. As did Moira, a hot, kinky dominant woman who made Cindy's submissive knees weak.

And also seeking Cyndi were half the patrons at Gavigan's. She led them all a merry chase, and arguably was leading herself on a merry chase as well. What would happen on the day she got caught?

It's a fun run for everyone involved, even Cyndi, and especially for you!

This story is 14,196 words long and is set in its own milieu.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Yard Sale Slut: The Novel Now On Smashwords

Smashwords link (includes Kindle epub and other formats) $2.99

“Yard Sale Slut: The Novel,” is the greatly revised and extended version of “Yard Sale Slut” a novella published on Amazon three years ago. The novella was 33,000 words long and the novel is 53,000 words long.

The additional 20,000 words deals with the protagonist’s experiences after she is drugged and sold to the Mossport Slave Agency by a disgruntled ex-employer. (Her employer had her reasons.) It is basically 20,000 words of pure sexual bondage BDSM goodness. Moira gets tied up and whipped, put in stocks and raped by two male slavers, locked in a cage, tied up and gang raped by three other slavegirls who aren’t tied up (lesbian gang rape) put in chains and forced to rape a tied-up slavegirl, and whored out as a slave in the slave agency’s bordello, chained to the bed the whole time of course.

And many of the proceedings are captured on video to sell as porn. The Mossport slavers profit from Moira in every way they can, totally without her consent.

This is in keeping with the original concept of “Yard Sale Slut” in which the protagonist has a very rough time at the hand of the slavers and a very dispiriting time at the hands of her first owners, which sets things up nicely for a big turnaround when she becomes a Smiling Slut Tavern slavegirl.

Now you may be wondering, “but then, why did you not include all that wonderful BDSM sex slave rape in the original “Yard Sale Slut”? And the answer is that I could not do so because “Yard Sale Slut” was originally written for Amazon, and Amazon does not do nonconsensual erotica. In order to sell the story on Amazon I had to tone down the nonconsensual stuff to virtually nothing, in fact, I had Moira AGREEING to be enslaved, signing contracts agreeing to be enslaved and everything. (This is actually more humiliating than being drugged and taken by force, and I played it for all the humiliation I could manage, but it can’t come close to matching the impact of the direct BDSM thrills as originally conceived.)

What I’m saying is, the novel version is the REAL “Yard Sale Slut” story, the hardcore pure-D sexual bondage fuckathon I originally envisioned. Oh, and it comes with a Happily Ever After, too. But … that’s not all.

I also envisioned “Yard Sale Slut” as a real science fiction story. It’s set in my Basic Income timeline, in the runup to the Oligarch Wars. The Oligarch Wars are an “If this goes on” dystopia in which technology, specifically automation, has advanced enough that machines can provide the oligarchs with every material need they might ever have. Basically, the oligarchs see the rest of humanity as leeches who compete with them for resources and who produce way too many greenhouse gases. (Though, of course, on a per capita basis, the oligarchs do a lot more damage than regular folks. But without regular folks greenhouse gases will be greatly reduced even though the oligarchs keep on oligarching.) 

Hence, the oligarchs have decided to get rid of 95 percent of us. (They’ll still need servants and employees of various kinds, of course, so a few hundred million will be saved.) But they don’t go about it in a comic book supervillain sort of way and declare war on humanity. They instead create terrible conditions in the societies they control. Things like mass evictions of the poor, food shortages, bringing back horrible institutions like chattel slavery. And when the inevitable revolts occur, they see to it that the government quashes them quickly and violently, with plenty of civilian casualties.

And the oligarchs use their control of the mainstream media to prevent anyone from knowing about all this horrible stuff going on. You could be living in the next town over from a government massacre and not know about it if you didn’t know anybody who lived there well. The oligarchs want spontaneous, local, easily quashed rebellions, but they don’t want widespread organized rebellions. Those might succeed, or perhaps get some oligarchs killed, and that’s unacceptable.

None of these things are spelled out in my story.  We see things from Moira’s eyes, and she wants mostly to escape from the world via Italian Renaissance poetry, and so has only a superficial, fragmented viewpoint of what’s going on around her, though she’s sure she doesn’t like what she sees of it.

Also, one of the things I’ve noticed in written accounts by people who have lived through wars is how weirdly isolated a war can be. People can be living an approximation of normal life in one place and going through hell not far away. 

Moira’s story takes place early on when the oligarchs are successfully waging their undeclared war on everyone. I hoped to give an unreal, science-fiction feel to her ordeals, sort of an alternate-timeline feel although this isn’t really an alternate timeline. It’s our timeline, if horrible trends get even more horrible. I wouldn’t be surprised if this future is completely off base and wrong about everything, and I devoutly hope it is. But human history makes it feel all too possible.

So, here’s da blurb:

Nobody who knew Moira Evans thought she had a brilliant future, but at least she had a good one. She was a topnotch student with a passion for Italian Renaissance poetry, unusual for a kid from a remote rural town. The most she could hope for was a teaching job at some podunk college, but it would be enough to make her hardscrabble mountain family proud and give her the sequestered life of academia she craved.

But when events beyond Moira’s control cause her to lose her family and her scholarship, she swiftly descends to the depths of a society that lost its bearings decades ago. Drugged and sold into slavery, she experiences the whip, slave rape, bondage rape, lesbian gang rape, being a slave whore, and worst of all, being sold for cheap at a yard sale! The world is going to hell and Moira is chained beneath the ground floor.

Will Moira be able to regain some semblance of peace and happiness when she’s bought by the Smiling Slave Tavern and becomes a tavern slave, having sex with customers on demand? You’ll have to read the story and find out.

This novel is 53,000 words long, and is an extensively revised and expanded version of the 33,000-word novella “Yard Sale Slut.” The story is number 3 in the Tavern Slut series but is set about 100-150 years prior to Tavern Slut #1 and Tavern Slut #2, which are roughly contemporaneous.