So, TedX hates porn. It has to be said. Do a Google search on TedX
and porn and you will be inundated with videos about porn and how
horrible it is, most of them with a little disclaimer that say "This
video contains assertions that are not supported by academically
respected studies."
That means the video is bullshit,
basically. I've watched several of them, they are almost invariably
bullshit. They generally use porn to excite the audience, but by
coupling it with a "safe" message that porn is bad, very bad, very very
bad and boy isn't there a lot of it?
There are a couple
of TedX videos about porn that aren't out and out attacks on porn, but
they tend to be corrective in nature, things like "It's time for porn to
What this tells me is that there's money in
attacking porn. I'm not surprised. Our culture is really, profoundly
weird about sex. It creates porn, and antiporn, and everything in
between, as well as bizarre phenomena like the Epstein case, with
billionaires sharing out harems of underaged women like sex toys.
But really, people are paying lots of money to watch these stupid videos. As our president would say, "Sad."