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Corporate Training is the third in the President Slave Girl series.
In Book 3 I wanted to do a riff on the standard sex slave training meme, but of course I can't serve it straight up, no, I also wanted to slide in some sly parallels between corporate slavery and sex slavery. And of course, lots and lots of sex, bondage, sexual bondage, lesbian sexual bondage, public sex, and tons and tons of humiliation for MacCammon, because she has been a very bad, prudish and evil President. But I threw in some growth as a character for MacCammon, as well, through an encounter with an old enemy. I wanted to point a way out for MacCammon. Even the bad guys (and gals) can learn and transcend, and MacCammon is not the sort who learns easily, but she's had a lot of very willing teachers once she became a slave girl.
Here's the blurb:
Trapped in a corporate training facility deep under a skyscraper, former President of the United States Eileen MacCammon must somehow maintain her sense of self even as her trainers teach her to submit to their every salacious command.
MacCammon is forced to confront an old enemy for the entertainment of Art DeFabio, the billionaire alpha male financier who controls her life, and his friends. Can the sound political instincts and will to win that drove her to win the Presidency help her win the confrontation with her enemy, and triumph over DeFabio and his One Percenter friends? And can she overcome her old prejudices as she does so?