No hint of bondage anywhere on it ... you can't show even handcuffs on an Amazon book cover. No nudity either ... Amazon does not allow naked butts to be shown on its erotica covers, or even butt crack. Or thongs! There are also limitations on what you can say in the blurbs. So, you want the readers to know what the books has in store for them, but you can't really say so ... makes for quite a challenge. For the record, though, I think this cover looks really nice.
The second story in the series, which you can buy here, explores Dan's relationship a little further, and introduces a few new wrinkles into the Basic Income world, including the Aspect of Loki, an interesting little idea I had about what a transcendent AI might be like that is not fully developed in this story but might come up later. There's a nice sexual roleplay of a Gorean nature to contrast with the modern machined roleplay between the Jetta unit and Dan. All in all a fun outing. Here's the blurb:
Anna knew that wealthy alpha male programmer Dan could be the man of her dreams, based on the kinky online sexual roleplay they had engaged in prior to Dan's divorce. Wounded by the divorce, Dan withdrew from his relationship with Anna and bought himself a Jetta unit, the most advanced sex robot in existence, a pleasure droid designed to fulfill every man's erotic romance fantasies, including the dominance and submission fantasies that Dan and Anna had engaged in. Many men had purchased Jetta units and then gone their own way, leaving the dating pool forever, the male equivalent of spinsters. But when Anna learns that Dan has been using their old roleplay scripts in his sessions with the Jetta unit, Anna knows that she is the one his heart burns for, and decides it is time to rekindle that flame – in the hottest possible manner!